3 New Year's Resolutions for Small Businesses
Posted: December 9, 2022

2023 is almost upon us, along with the long-held tradition of New Year’s resolutions. For individuals, after a season of parties, food, holiday cookies, cakes, and drinks, resolutions about losing weight are a common theme – but what about small business owners? The New Year is the ideal time to set goals for the year, establish a workable plan to achieve those goals, and evaluate...
5 Types of Cyber Criminals & How to Avoid Them
Posted: April 4, 2022

Cybercrimes are on the rise in the USA, and business owners need to be alert to the most common ways these criminals operate. The losses incurred by a business after a cyber attack can be staggering, particularly when the personal information of clients has been stolen. There are five general types of cybercriminals, and several techniques to help companies avoid the risk of a data...
A Savvy Business Owner’s Checklist for Cyber Insurance Coverage
Posted: October 19, 2021

Any business that uses computer technology today has to deal with cyber risk. Ransomware attacks are on the rise, and small and medium businesses are being targeted more than ever. With the shift to more people working from home in 2020, cybercriminals are taking advantage of the opportunity to exploit remote workers. Cyber insurance may be essential for a business of any size. The following...
Do I Need Business Insurance for My Side Gig?
Posted: October 4, 2021

A side gig is a great way to earn extra cash. It is an opportunity to branch out on your own, and it could even grow into a full-time business that allows you to “quit your day job.” One thing to keep in mind while running a side hustle is the importance of protecting your business and yourself in case something goes wrong. To be...
Commonly Overlooked Types of Business Insurance
Posted: May 4, 2021

You already have business insurance, but have you overlooked a situation that could put your business at risk? We offer a list of the most overlooked types of business insurance, as well as a brief explanation of each type. Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI): This insurance protects against claims filed against your business by an employee, such as wrongful termination, harassment, discrimination, and others. When...